Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to bring my pet’s vaccination card?
Yes. We need to see the vaccination card before we can accept your pet for boarding.
Can I bring my pet’s bedding?
Yes. You can bring along your pet’s favourite bedding.
Can I bring my pet’s own food?
Yes. We stock all the major brands of pet food. But it’s fine to bring your own.
Do I need to bring my dog’s bowl and lead?
No. We have plenty of dog bowls and leads on site and there’s no need to bring these when your pet stays at Woodlands.
Can my pet have extra exercise?
Yes. We exercise dogs two or three times a day. If your dog requires additional exercise, please let us know and we can arrange this.
Is the accommodation heated in winter?
Yes. Our pet accommodation is centrally and individually heated.
Is there an extra charge for heating?
No. We don’t charge for heating.
Can my pet be given medication?
Yes. Our staff are trained to give medication and will ensure your pet is given its treatment when required.
Can I have my pet picked up and dropped off?
Yes. On week days we can arrange to pick up and drop off your pet.
Can I call to ask after my pet when I am away on holiday?
Yes of course. We are always happy to answer any queries about your pet during their stay with us.
Can you manage my pet’s special dietary requirements?
Yes. We can cater for special diets. Please let us know in advance what’s required so we can be prepared.
All dogs boarding with us must be covered against Kennel cough. Dogs are generally part-covered in their regular vaccines for the viral form, Canine Parainfluenza. However, cover is available to protect against the bacterial form, Bordetella Bronchiseptica. This is an additional vaccine to your normal yearly booster vaccinations and is administered as liquid droplets applied into your dog’s nostrils. It must be done at least 14 days prior to boarding.
This vaccine will give your dog more immunity against kennel cough outbreaks but may not cover against all strains of kennel cough. Giving this additional vaccine against Bordetella Bronchiseptica is now viewed as best practice by veterinarians against this distressing and debilitating illness and will help prevent it coming into our kennel environment – further protecting your dog. Most vaccines for kennel cough last for a year and can be given at the same time as their yearly boosters.
Please note that kennel cough is not covered by our kennel insurance policy.
If due to unforeseen circumstances you are unable to arrange the additional protection against Bordetella 14 days prior to boarding, you will be asked to sign a disclaimer indemnifying us against any claim should your dog contract it whilst in our care.
Should you wish further information, we can provide you with a leaflet explaining about kennel cough and how we can protect against it – they are freely available in our reception – please take one.
What is Kennel cough?
Infectious bronchitis is a highly contagious disease of the respiratory tract. Infected dogs have a harsh, dry cough that can last for several weeks. As well as being distressing for your dog, the persistent coughing can be upsetting and embarrassing for you.
There are many forms of Kennel cough and it is impossible to protect against all forms of the disease (it’s like protecting yourself from all forms of flu). Although it can be unpleasant for owners and their dogs, it is not classed with such serious diseases as Distemper, Parvovirus, Leptospirosis or Hepatitis.
It is quite usual for dogs to contract Kennel cough during their lifetime as it is almost impossible not to come into contact with other dogs who may be carriers. Once the immune system recognises the disease it builds immunity against it and protects it for the future. Most dogs pick up Kennel cough in their early years but become resistant to it as they get older. Woodlands’ view is that it should be considered as a childhood illness in humans, such as mumps and measles. Once your dog has had it, it’s less likely to recur.
Kennels can only protect dogs as best they can with the vaccines that are available. Dogs can come into and out of kennels carrying the disease without displaying any symptoms and staff may be none the wiser. Even dogs which have had protection against the bacterial strain of Bordetella Bronchiseptica can still contract Kennel cough as there are many types and forms not covered by vaccines.
How does it spread?
The infection is spread from dog to dog through the air, and dogs can catch it wherever they come together, i.e. on walks in the park, training classes, dog shows and in kennels.
Bordetella bronchiseptica
There are many organisms that make dogs cough, some being more serious than others. Bordetella bronchiseptica, the major cause of infectious bronchitis, is a bacterium which not only causes disease in its own right but can further complicate viral infections. Bordetella produces a typically persistent, harsh, hacking cough which can last for 3 weeks or more and even after the cough has cleared up, dogs can remain infectious for a further 3 months.
When to vaccinate
For maximum protection, ask your vet to vaccinate your dog at least 14 days before your dog comes into kennels. Some dogs get a mild reaction to the vaccine, resulting in a transient cough.
Separate cover
You should remember that your dog’s annual booster injections do NOT give protection against Bordetella bronchiseptica. So unless you specifically ask your vet your dog will remain vulnerable to this extremely infectious disease.
If you have any other questions that you haven’t found answers for here please email [email protected] or call us on 01959 572201
Robert Harlow
Robert’s renowned training courses get booked up fast. To book up early,
call 01732 462 216
All our boarders at Woodlands get plenty of attention and affection from our pet-loving staff.