Terms and Conditions

General and Resort Bookings

WOODLANDS PETCARE LIMITED  (“the Company”) are only willing to supply services under these trading terms or as varied by the company in writing.


1.1      Clients agree to be bound by these conditions when they (or someone authorised to represent them) signs the companies booking form. In these Terms and Conditions the phrase “Client” shall be interpreted accordingly.


2.1      These Conditions and the Booking Form regulate our dealings and will not be affected by any other agreements, negotiations or representations.

2.2      Any variations in these conditions must be accepted in writing by Mr. R. Harlow or Mr B.J. Coughlan on behalf of the Company. Any Variation not so authorised shall be treated as a separate booking and priced accordingly. Any variation entitles the Company to increase the agreed price.

2.3      Any extension to an agreed stay is at the Companies sole discretion and will be on the same terms save as varied by the Company.

2.4      Agreements incorporating these Conditions will be governed by English Law and subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of English courts.

3.        PRICES

3.1      Unless the Booking Form indicates otherwise all prices represent the net prices (exclusive of VAT, payable in addition)

4.        DEPOSITS

4.1      Deposits of £ 20.00 will be charged per animal for bookings of 4 days or under. Deposits of £ 50.00 will be charged per animal for bookings over 4 days.

4.2      Deposits relate to each individual booking.

4.3      Bookings will not be accepted unless deposits are paid in advance.

4.4      Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable.


5.1     Clients who cancel reservations OR shorten stays forty days (40) prior to arrival (or less) will incur the full Boarding costs associated with their stay.

6.        PAYMENT

6.1      The total price payable will be sums stated in the Booking Form and payable pursuant to these conditions.

6.2      Unless otherwise agreed all sums ascertainable when the Company receives your animals will be payable at that time. Your obligations to pay will only be satisfied when cleared into the Companies bank account.

6.3      Any sums due hereunder which are not paid when the Company receives your animals, i.e. because not ascertained, will be due and payable on Clients collection or receipt of animals.

6.4      If a Client is late making payment (without prejudice to any other rights of the Company) the Client shall, without the need of the Company to give notice, be liable to pay the Company interest on the amount for the time being unpaid.

Interest shall be calculated at 3% per annum above the base rate from time to time of Barclays Bank PLC calculated from the date payment is due until the date of payment. Interest is payable before and after judgment.

6.5       Any delivery or collection charges not stated on the Booking Form will be payable at the rates notified by the Company.

6.6      If you are late in paying, by whatever period, you will be in breach of contract and the Company may take action accordingly.


7.1      The Company will not accept liability for any damage or loss (whether arising in contract, tort or statutory duty including consequential loss) resulting from delayed collection.

7.2      Clients will collect animals from the Company as soon as they are asked to by the Company. Any delay in collection, for whatever period, entitles the Company to :-

7.3  Clients delivering pets must bring dogs on secure leads and collars. Cats must be brought insecure, adequate carriers which are not overloaded. No responsibility will be taken for animals brought in on insecure flimsy/faulty/overloaded equipment or  carriers.  : and

7.3.1    if after 14 days collection still has not been effected, the Company may give the Client 7 days notice that it will sell/dispose of the animal. Unless payment is made as required the Company may at the end of such period sell or dispose of the animal (without prejudice to its other rights).

7.4      If asked to do so Clients will pay the Company any additional sum to cover the cost of insurance for emergency veterinary fees. The insurance covers each animal for emergency veterinary fee’s up to £100.00 for the period of their stay.

Cover only applies to conditions contracted when animals are in the Companies care and not for previous illnesses/conditions or existing illnesses/conditions (whether known of or not) prior to boarding. The conditions of such insurance will be provided on request

7.5     Any costs, fees and expenses incurred by the Proprietor as a result of the illness or condition of an animal and not covered by such insurance will be payable in addition by the Client on collection of their animal(s).

7.6    The Company may need to exercise its discretion in providing care for animals and is authorised to do so by the Client. This may include treatment and/or the instruction of Veterinary treatment. The Client will indemnify the Company for any costs, expenses or liabilities so incurred.

7.7   Medication will be administered at Client’s request. No additional charge will be made but the Company will accept no responsibility for any resulting damage or injury.

7.8    Any Client’s belongings left at the Companies premises are left at the Client’s risk.


8.1    Whilst all reasonable precautions will be taken to care for Client’s pets due to the uncertainty of animal behaviour and compatibility the Company does not accept any liability or damage to animals (whether in its care or stewardship) save where such injury or damage arises directly from the Companies negligence.

8.2     Without prejudice to Clause 8.1, the Companies liability to am Client (whether in contract, tort or breach of statutory duty) will not exceed £1,000 in respect of any animal.

8.3     Where services are provided under a consumer transaction (as defined by the Consumer Transactions [Restriction on Statements] Order 1976) the statutory rights of the Client are not affected by these conditions.


9.1   Animals will not be accepted without up to date innoculation certificates.

Vaccination requirements are as follows :-

9.1.1     Dogs  –   Parvovirus, Coronavirus, Distemper, Hepatitus, Leptospirosis and Parainfluenza. Additional cover must also be provided for “Kennel Cough” Bordetella – 14 days prior to boarding. You will be asked to sign a disclaimer if the Bordetella vaccine has not been given 14 days prior to boarding

9.1.2     Cats   –   Feline Panleucopenia/Infectious Enteritis, Feline Herpes Virus, Feline Calicivirus, Feline Chlamydophila and Feline Leukaemia Virus.


10.1 The Company will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by non-performance or delay in performance of any of its obligations to the Client as a result of factors beyond its control. Should any such event occur the Company reserves the right to cancel or suspend the contract with the Client without incurring liability for any loss or damage thereby occasioned